Origins: Part 2
By Andiamo
Some call it the void; others call it Heaven, others call it Hell. The intellectuals call it the world before the Big Bang. Some say there are many more dimensions that we can ever hope to perceive, and that something exists outside the realm of our comprehension.
Where did it all begin? What came at the beginning of time?
Every civilisation has had an inkling that there was something more out there. To the few that perceived that not all was as it seemed, the clue lay in their recorded histories. The phenomena that no one could explain, and of which no survivors remained to corroborate the records.
Most others just shrug it off: things change, that’s life, they say. Time passes, and life goes on.
But what is time? Is it not just a marker on a scale, like any other dimension: height, width, depth? And if a scale existed, it should have a reference point from which everything is measured.
An Origin.
Who decides the Origin? And what happens around the Origin of Time? Are we in positive or negative time? Do we move forwards or backwards? Why is the Origin the Origin?
Is there only one single line of time? Or can there be many? Do they all pass through the same Origin?
Many questions, but few answers. For those who delve into such thoughts, a clue can be taken from first principles: regardless of how powerful any beings may be, and the dimensions they occupy, there are basic rules that always hold true.
Ponder this thought: The laws of thermodynamics define the conservation of energy and, by Einstein’s famous E=mc² equation, mass.
But entropy ceaselessly increases with every interaction of any two systems. Entropy is up-only. Chaos is up-only.
So any order that is created necessarily requires expending energy to enforce that order, offsetting the chaos that would naturally occur. Compare the amount of effort needed to spill a bag of beans on the ground against what is needed to put them all back into the bag.
Chaos and order exist in a balance.
And if your world as you see it seems relatively orderly then the obvious question to ask is…
“Where did the Chaos go?”
“Perhaps with a bit of a hint, these people will be able to work it out,” she thought.
She folded the sheet of parchment and tossed it into a glowing orb, and watched as it morphed into a two-dimensional form, legible in a three-dimensional world.
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